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What is a decibel, and how is it measured?

Blog What is a decibel, and how is it measured?

What is a decibel and how are sound levels measured?

You may already know that sound is measured in decibels. Decibels, written as dB, help us measure how strong or intense a sound is. The decibel scale is a bit unusual because it has to cover a huge range of sounds that our ears can pick up. From the softest whispers to the super loud noise from a jet engine. To give you an idea, in terms of acoustic power, the jet engine's roar is about a trillion times more powerful than the quietest sound our ears can hear — an incredible difference! 

But what does it mean to measure sound, and how do we make sense of these measurements? Sound measurement is a tool that helps us understand the sounds we hear and how they impact us. It begins with the quietest sound humans can hear at 0 decibels. From there, we measure sounds all the way up to the loud and potentially harmful levels beyond 120 decibels.  

Sound Levels and Decibels (dB) 

Hearing Threshold (0 dB): This is the quietest sound that an average human ear can pick up. 

Rustling Leaves (10-20 dB): Imagine a gentle, hushed sound, like leaves softly rustling in a breeze. It's easy on your ears and quite peaceful. 

Whispering (20-30 dB): Quiet and soft, similar to the rustling of leaves, and just as harmless to our ears. 

Peaceful Countryside (20-30 dB): Think of the calm ambiance of the countryside during the early morning. 

Refrigerator Hum (35-45 dB): That consistent, low hum coming from your kitchen fridge. 

Quiet Office (40-50 dB): Background noise in a quiet office setting where there's no loud chit-chat. 

Moderate Rainfall (50 dB): Imagine the soothing sound of rain tapping on your windows and roof. 

Normal Conversation (60-70 dB): People engaged in regular conversations at a comfortable volume. 

Washing Machine (70 dB): The noise of your clothes getting a good wash in a machine.  

City Traffic (from inside the car) (70-85 dB): It can be a bit of a commotion, but as long as you're not exposed for an extended period, your hearing should be fine. 

Vacuum Cleaner (70-80 dB): A level that can start to be annoying, but it won't hurt your ears during short cleaning sessions. 

Hair Dryer (80-90 dB): Using it for an extended period can start to affect your hearing. 

Lawn Mower (90 dB): Prolonged exposure can be challenging for your ears. Hearing protection is a wise choice for longer sessions. 

Motorcycle (95-100 dB): Extended exposure can potentially impact your hearing. It's a good idea to have some earplugs handy. 

Concerts/Clubs (100-120 dB): Frequent exposure to this high level without protection can lead to lasting hearing issues relatively quickly. 

Emergency Sirens (120 dB): Extremely loud and can cause immediate harm. One should never be exposed to this level without hearing protection. 

Chainsaw (110-120 dB): Even short-term exposure can potentially affect your hearing. Always make sure you're using suitable hearing protection.  

Formula 1 Race Car (130-150 dB): A Formula 1 car at full throttle can produce mind-blowingly high sound levels. Without proper hearing protection, exposure at these levels can cause immediate and permanent hearing damage. 

Fireworks (140-160 dB): Fireworks create deafening sounds that can be overwhelming. You absolutely need hearing protection for this.  

When Can Noise Cause Hearing Damage? 

Hearing damage can occur from long-term exposure to noise levels of 80 dB or higher. The risk of damage is determined by a combination of how loud the noise is and the duration of exposure. The threshold of hearing is at 0 dB, and the threshold of pain begins around 120-130 dB. 

Understanding How Noise Duration and Loudness Affect Your Hearing 

The connection between how long you're exposed to loud sounds and the intensity of those sounds plays a crucial role in safeguarding your hearing. Think of it as a "sound dose," which depends on how loud a noise is and how long you're exposed to it. Experts often refer to this as the "3 dB exchange rate" or "time-intensity trade-off." 

In simple terms, for every 3 dB increase in volume, the safe exposure time is cut in half. Here’s a guideline:  

80 dB: Damage can occur after 8 hours of exposure.

83 dB: Damage can occur after 4 hours of exposure.  


86 dB: Damage can occur after 2 hours of exposure. 89 dB: Damage can occur after 1 hour of exposure.

92 dB: Damage can occur after 30 minutes of exposure.

95 dB: Damage can occur after 15 minutes of exposure.

98 dB: Damage can occur after 7.5 minutes of exposure. 

101 dB: Damage can occur after less than 4 minutes of exposure.

If you're in a loud club or at a festival with sound levels reaching 103 dB, your hearing can get hurt quite easily. It's important to know how loud sounds work to keep your hearing safe. Even though loud moments, like at a Formula 1 race, can be exciting, they can harm your hearing if you don't use the right hearing protection.

Remember to always wear the right hearing protection in noisy places to avoid damage. Hearing problems, like ringing in your ears (tinnitus) or deafness, can't be fixed, so it's super important to take good care of your hearing. That way, you can keep enjoying the sounds of life! 

Explore our range of products to find the right protection for you.